Developer Bytes - Trying Something New

It has been quite some time since I released new content on my blog, and it is something that I have been wanting to devote more time to. Between working a full time job, finishing up my Masters Degree, being a father, and the craziness of the past two years with Covid and isolating, it has been a very challenging and interesting time.

In order to start producing more content on a regular basis, I decided to try out a new type of content post: developer bytes. The goal of these posts are to share tips and tools that I use in my day to day work. These articles are meant to be smaller in scope with a focus on something that is meaningful, with the option to always expand on that topic either via comments or with dedicated posts that explore that topic further.

For the first topic, I will be talking about Plop .

I hope you enjoyed this post. Please feel free to post any comments or questions below.