Phaser 100 Days Of Code Challenge

Between work, home life, and the side projects I am working on, I haven’t been spending as much time on my game development projects as I would like. So in order to change things up, I thought it would be fun to challenge myself to coding an hour a day with the Phaser 3 framework by doing the #100DaysOfCode challenge. If you are not familiar, the #100DaysOfCode is a challenge to code for one hour a day for the next 100 days and to publicly commit to the challenge by tweeting your progress each day.

I already spend time coding every day for work, however I wanted to get back into game development, so I thought this would be a fun push for me to do so. In order to track my progress, and to share what I have worked on, I created this repository here: Phaser-100-days-of-code.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Please feel free to post any questions or comments below.