July Ask the Community Experts Session: Advanced AEM Component Development
Adobe will be holding another “Ask the Community Experts Session” this month on July 28th at 11 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. EST. This session will be discussing the following topics:
- Creating components that use CQ Ext APIs
- Building custom Xtypes
- Invoke Sling Servlets
- Building advanced dialogs for components
If you have not attended one of these AEM sessions, they are a great chance to listen to some of the best experts in the industry, a great place to ask questions, and a good way to start networking. I look forward to seeing you all there.
Here is a link to sign up if you are interested: Ask the Community Experts
This session will be hosted by Scott Macdonad, Jaison Sunny, and Praveen Dubey.
This session will be hosted by Scott Macdonad, Jaison Sunny, and Praveen Dubey.