AEM Interview Questions Part 7

This is part seven of my AEM interview questions. You find the other parts here:

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - 
Part 8 - PDF

Here are some more AEM interview questions that could come up during a technical interview:

Q: How can you inherit properties from one dialog to another?

A: You can inherit properties from one dialog to another if the new component has the “sling:resourceSuperType” and this property is set to the base component. This will automatically inherit all the properties from the original dialog.

If you only want to inherit certain tabs from a dialog, you can use the “cq:include” xtype to inherit just that tab.

Q: What are Clientlibs?

A: AEM allows you to create Client-side Library Folders, which allow you to store your client side code in the repository, organized it into categories, and define when and how each category of code is to be served to the client.

These folders are a nice way of keeping all of your JavaScript and CSS files in one location, and a way to call all the files with one line of code.

Q: What are workflows?

A: Workflows are a way to automate Experience Manager activities. They are a series of steps that are executed when they are triggered. Some examples of these steps are activating a page, sending an email, approving a page, etc.

Workflows can be used to implement approval processes and to receive sign-off by various participants.

Q: What is FileVault?

A: FileVault is a tool that is offered by Adobe that will map the content of the CRX instance to your file system. The VLT tool is similar to a Subversion client since it will allow you to checkout content and to check-in content.

I plan to add more interview questions to this blog, so make sure to check back.

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