AEM Interview Questions Part 2

This is part two of my AEM interview questions. You can find the other parts here:

Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - PDF

Here are some more AEM interview questions that could come up during a technical interview:

QWhy is a Content Management System (CMS) required?

A: A content management system is a piece of software that is used to create and manage documents and Web sites. Many websites are dynamic, so their content needs to be updated frequently. In order manage these changes efficiently, it is recommend that a content management system be used. Which is why AEM is a content management system.

QWhat is RESTful?

A: Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style and an approach to communications that is often used in the development of web services. It relies on a stateless, client server, cacheable communications protocol. RESTful applications use HTTP requests to post data, read data, and delete data.

The six architectural constraints of REST are: uniform interface, stateless, cacheable, client server, layered system, and code on demand.

QWhat are the benefits of using OSGI?

A: The main benefits of using OSGI are:
  • It reduces the complexity of the system by having everything in bundles.
  • It makes the components loosely coupled and easy to manage since they can be installed, deleted, updated, started, and stopped at run time.
  • It increases the performance of the system since parts of the application that are not in use, do not need to be loaded in the memory.

QWhat is the listener property in AEM?

A: The listener property in AEM for a component is used to define what happens before or after an action on the component. This is added by using the “cq:listeners” node with a node type of “cq:EditListenersConfig”.

The listener property can also be added to any widget in AEM. In order to add a listener to that widget you just need to add to add a node that is called “listeners” with a type of “nt:unstructured”. Then you just need to add child nodes to the “listeners” node that are events of that widget. You can find a list of events for each widget by searching CQ Widget API documentation.

QHow do you load digital assets in dam?

A: You can add digital assets to your dam by using the graphical user interface or through WebDav access. If you are using the graphical user interface, you would just browse for the selected files you would like to add, and then cq will create the metadata for those assets in the dam folder. You would generally use the WebDav option when you want to upload a large number or assets at once.

I plan to add more interview questions to this blog, so make sure to check back.

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