
Android - Adding A Facebook Share Button

I have gotten a lot of questions about adding a basic share button to your android app from one of my previous posts, so I decided to add a new tutorial that shows just how to add a basic share button. The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to add a Facebook Share button to your Android Application. For this tutorial I was using: Android Studio 1.1.0, and Facebook SDK v4.

Android - Adding A Facebook Share Button That Shares A Screen Shot

The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to add a Facebook Share button to your Android Application that will share a screen shot. I have added a new tutorial that shows just how to add a basic share button to your android application. You can read the tutorial here: Android - Add A Facebook Share Button For this tutorial I was using: Android Studio 1.1.0, and Facebook SDK v4.

Android Facebook Integration Tutorial

The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to integrate the Facebook SDK with your Android application. Throughout this tutorial, we will register our application with Facebook and then add the SDK to our project. For this tutorial I was using: Android Studio 1.1.0, OpenSSL for Windows, and Facebook SDK v4.0.0. You should be able to follow along with other versions of this software. In order to follow along you will need the following: